System software, middleware and programming environments

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System software

Lustre file system

Lustre is a parallel distributed file system, generally used for large scale cluster computing. Lustre file systems is free and open source and provide a high performance file system for computer clusters ranging in size from small workgroup clusters to large-scale, multi-site clusters. Lustre is widely deployed in HPC systems over the world since it is scalable, dependent, and capable to support big data centers (thousands of clients, petabytes of storage space).

A Lustre file system has three major functional units:

  • A single metadata server (MDS) that has a single metadata target (MDT) per Lustre filesystem that stores namespace metadata, such as filenames, directories, access permissions, and file layout
  • One or more object storage servers (OSSes) that store file data on one or more object storage targets (OSTs)
  • Client(s) that access and use the data.

Lustre presents all clients with a unified namespace for all of the files and data in the filesystem, using standard POSIX semantics, and allows concurrent and coherent read and write access to the files in the filesystem.


Ceph file system

Ceph is a free software unified storage platform designed to present object, block, and file storage from a single distributed cluster. Ceph’s main goals are to be completely distributed without a single point of failure, scalable to the exabyte level, and freely-available. The data is seamlessly replicated, making it fault tolerant. Ceph is a software-based solution and runs on commodity hardware. The system is designed to be both self-healing and self-managing and strives to reduce both administrator and budget overhead.


Local Resource Management System

PBS Professional

New version 12.0 of Altair's PBS Professional software is available. PBS Professional 12.0 is a distributed workload management and job scheduling system for high-performance computing, designed to handle the management and monitoring of the computational workload on a set of one or more computers. Features include rapid-start capabilities and shrink-to-fit, which allows users to run jobs or portions of jobs in the period immediately before a planned maintenance outage. Plug-ins allow users to control, modify, extend and change job lifecycle events in the execution stage. A plug-in also allows for health checks prior to starting the job, filtering and changing computer behavior when the job starts and ensuring cleanup is correct.

Open Grid Scheduler

Home page:

This is an open source fork of Sun Grid Engine.

cpuset integration on SGI UV 1000 machine

SGI UV 1000:

We are recommending this OGS version for cpuset integration: OGS/GE 2011.11p1

Browser URL:

Details about SVN access:

Wrapper script for sge_shepherd

Please check these variables: START_CPU, CPU_PER_SLOT, SGE_CPUSET, SGE_ADMIN.

# Author: NIIF Institute,
# Date: 2012-10-14
# Filename:
# 0-5 CPU cores (boot cpuset)
# 6-11 CPU cores (reserve cpuset)
# 12- CPU cores (SGE cpuset)


while IFS== read key val
    case "${key}" in
        JOB_ID) JOB_ID="${val}";;
        SGE_TASK_ID) SGE_TASK_ID="${val}";;
done <environment

if [ "${SGE_TASK_ID}" != "undefined" ]

if [ "`cat ${PWD}/pe_hostfile | cut -d " " -f 4`" == "UNDEFINED" ]
  mail -s "ERROR!!! There is no cpuset allocation by this job: ${sge_id}" $SGE_ADMIN
  exec /usr/bin/sge_shepherd $@
  exit 0

SGE_BINDING=`cat ${PWD}/pe_hostfile | cut -d " " -f 4 | sed 's/:/\n/g;s/,/ /g' | awk -v cpu_per_slot=${CPU_PER_SLOT} -v start_cpu=${START_CPU} '{print start_cpu + ($1 * cpu_per_slot) + $2 }' | awk '{printf "%d ", $1}'`

function get_nodes() {
  for cpu_id in $1
    nodes="${nodes} `expr ${cpu_id} / ${CPU_PER_SLOT}`"
  echo `echo ${nodes} | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq | sed 's/\n/ /g'`

if [ ! -d ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id} ]
  mkdir ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id}


cpus=`echo ${SGE_BINDING} | sed "s/ /,/g"`
echo ${cpus} > ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id}/cpus
nodes=`echo ${NODE_BINDING} | sed "s/ /,/g"`
echo ${nodes} > ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id}/mems

echo 1 > ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id}/notify_on_release 
echo $$ > ${SGE_CPUSET}/${sge_id}/tasks 


exec /usr/bin/sge_shepherd $@

JSV script

Please check these variables: cpu_per_slot, h_vmem

# Author: NIIF Institute,
# Date: 2012-10-14
# Filename:



  if [ "`jsv_get_param pe_name`" != "" ]; then
     pe_min=`jsv_get_param pe_min`
     pe_min_remainder=`expr $pe_min % $cpu_per_slot`
     pe_min_int=`expr $pe_min / $cpu_per_slot`
     pe_max=`jsv_get_param pe_max`
     pe_max_remainder=`expr $pe_max % $cpu_per_slot`
     pe_max_int=`expr $pe_max / $cpu_per_slot`
     if [ "$pe_max" == "9999999" ]; then
         # pe_max will be allways equal with pe_min
         if [ "$pe_min_remainder" != "0" ]; then
            pe_min=`expr $pe_min_int \* $cpu_per_slot + $cpu_per_slot`
            jsv_set_param pe_min $pe_min
         jsv_set_param pe_max $pe_min
         if [ "$pe_max_remainder" != "0" ]; then
            pe_max=`expr $pe_max_int \* $cpu_per_slot + $cpu_per_slot`
            jsv_set_param pe_max $pe_max
         jsv_set_param pe_min $pe_max
     jsv_set_param binding_amount $slots
       jsv_set_param binding_amount $cpu_per_slot
       jsv_set_param pe_name "serial"
       jsv_set_param pe_min $cpu_per_slot
       jsv_set_param pe_max $cpu_per_slot

  if [ `jsv_is_param t_max` != false ]; then
     if [ "`jsv_get_param pe_name`" == "serial" ]; then
       jsv_set_param pe_name "array"

  jsv_set_param binding_strategy "linear_automatic"
  jsv_set_param binding_type "pe"

  l_hard=`jsv_get_param l_hard`
  if [ "$l_hard" != "" ]; then
    has_h_vmem=`jsv_sub_is_param l_hard h_vmem`
    if [ "$has_h_vmem" = "true" ]; then
       jsv_set_param l_hard "h_vmem=5.2G"
    jsv_sub_add_param l_hard "h_vmem=5.2G"

  jsv_correct "Job was modified before it was accepted: CPU/NODE binding added"


. ${SGE_ROOT}/util/resources/jsv/


JSV will be run on the submit host, therefore this line should be added to here: $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sge_request

-jsv  /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/

Additional information:

The JSV script rounded up the parallel jobs slot number so as to be divisible by six. This makes it possible to allocate CPU socket instead of CPU cores. NUMA CPUs will be faster if they are using the "local" memory.

Dummy parallel environments for non parallel (serial) jobs


qconf -ap serial
qconf -ap array
pe_name            serial
slots              3000
user_lists         NONE
xuser_lists        NONE
start_proc_args    NONE
stop_proc_args     NONE
allocation_rule    $pe_slots
control_slaves     TRUE
job_is_first_task  FALSE
urgency_slots      max
accounting_summary FALSE
pe_name            array
slots              3000
user_lists         NONE
xuser_lists        NONE
start_proc_args    NONE
stop_proc_args     NONE
allocation_rule    $pe_slots
control_slaves     TRUE
job_is_first_task  FALSE
urgency_slots      max
accounting_summary FALSE

Adding consumable resources to the UV machine


qconf -mc
h_vmem              h_vmem     MEMORY      <=    YES         YES        5.2G     0
qconf -me uv
complex_values        slots=1140,h_vmem=5929G

Additional information: 5.2G is for one CPU core (this value will be multiplied by parallel job). The SGE cpuset contain 190 memory nodes therefore the complex_values will be this: 190*6*5.2=5928G (I added +1G to this value, because OGS need it. I do not know the reason.)

One memory node contain 6 CPU cores and 32 GByte memories.


numactl --hardware | grep "node 2 "


node 2 cpus: 12 13 14 15 16 17
node 2 size: 32768 MB
node 2 free: 31759 MB

Checkpointing: BLCR integration

Home page:

BLCR scripts for SGE integration

Creation of BLCR checkpointing environment


qconf -ackpt BLCR
ckpt_name BLCR
ckpt_command /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/ $job_id $job_pid
migr_command /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/ $job_id $job_pid
restart_command none
clean_command /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/ $job_id $job_pid
ckpt_dir none
signal none
when xsmr

Adding to queue


qconf -mq test.q
ckpt_list             BLCR
starter_method        /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/

Job submission

qsub -ckpt BLCR -r yes

GPU integration

Queue creaton


qconf -cq gpu.q
qname                 gpu.q
hostlist              gpu1 gpu2
seq_no                0
load_thresholds       np_load_avg=1.1,mem_free=2G
suspend_thresholds    NONE
nsuspend              1
suspend_interval      00:05:00
priority              0
min_cpu_interval      00:05:00
processors            UNDEFINED
qtype                 BATCH INTERACTIVE
ckpt_list             NONE
pe_list               NONE
rerun                 FALSE
slots                 24
tmpdir                /tmp
shell                 /bin/bash
prolog                NONE
epilog                NONE
shell_start_mode      unix_behavior
starter_method        NONE
suspend_method        NONE
resume_method         NONE
terminate_method      NONE
notify                00:00:60
owner_list            NONE
user_lists            NONE
xuser_lists           NONE
subordinate_list      NONE
complex_values        NONE
projects              NONE
xprojects             NONE
calendar              NONE
initial_state         default
s_rt                  INFINITY
h_rt                  INFINITY
s_cpu                 INFINITY
h_cpu                 INFINITY
s_fsize               INFINITY
h_fsize               INFINITY
s_data                INFINITY
h_data                INFINITY
s_stack               INFINITY
h_stack               INFINITY
s_core                INFINITY
h_core                INFINITY
s_rss                 INFINITY
h_rss                 INFINITY
s_vmem                INFINITY
h_vmem                INFINITY

Wrapper script for sge_shepherd

# Author: NIIF Institute,
# Date: 2014-04-28
# Filename:

while IFS== read key val
    case "$key" in
        GPU_NUMBER) GPU_NUMBER="$val";;
done <environment


for gpu_id in `/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -L | cut -d ':' -f 1| awk '{printf "%s ", $2}'`
  sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 10 )  + 1 ]s
  /usr/bin/nvidia-smi -i $gpu_id | grep "No running compute processes found"  > /dev/null
  if [ $? == 0 ]
     if [ ! -z "$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" ]
       GPU_NUMBER=`expr $GPU_NUMBER - 1`
       GPU_NUMBER=`expr $GPU_NUMBER - 1`

  if [ "$GPU_NUMBER" == "0" ]



exec /usr/bin/sge_shepherd $@

Wrapper script configuration for gpu1, gpu2 machines:

qconf -mconf gpu1
qconf -mconf gpu2
shepherd_cmd      /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/

Adding consumable resource to the GPU machines


qconf -mc
gpu                   gpu                   INT         <=      YES         YES        0        0
qconf -me gpu1
qconf -me gpu2
complex_values        slots=24,gpu=6

Reason: gpu1 and gpu2 contain 2*24 CPUs and 2*6 GPUs.

JSV script

# Author: NIIF Institute,
# Date: 2012-12-14
# Filename:



  if [ "`jsv_get_param q_hard`" == "gpu.q" ]; then
     has_h_gpu=`jsv_sub_is_param l_hard gpu`
     if [ "$has_h_gpu" = "true" ]; then
        gpu=`jsv_sub_get_param l_hard gpu`
        jsv_add_env GPU_NUMBER $gpu
        jsv_sub_add_param l_hard gpu 1
        jsv_add_env GPU_NUMBER 1

  jsv_correct "GPU configuration"
  jsv_accept "Job has been accepted"

. ${SGE_ROOT}/util/resources/jsv/


JSV will be run on the submit host, therefore this line should be added to here: $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sge_request

-jsv  /usr/share/gridengine/scripts/

Job submission

Submit script (

#$ -N GPU_test_job
#$ -q gpu.q
#$ -l gpu=3

./MonteCarloMultiGPU -noprompt

It will use only 3 GPUs.



Puppet is IT automation software that helps system administrators manage infrastructure throughout its lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to patch management and compliance. Using Puppet, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, and proactively manage change, scaling from 10s of servers to 1000s, on-premise or in the cloud.

Puppet uses a declarative, model-based approach to IT automation:

  • Define the desired state of the infrastructure’s configuration using Puppet’s declarative configuration language.
  • Simulate configuration changes before enforcing them.
  • Enforce the deployed desired state automatically, correcting any configuration drift.
  • Report on the differences between actual and desired states and any changes made enforcing the desired state.

Puppet is IT automation software that helps system administrators manage infrastructure throughout its lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to patch management and compliance. Using Puppet, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, and proactively manage change, scaling from 10s of servers to 1000s, on-premise or in the cloud.



Remote CUDA (rCUDA) is a middleware that enables Computer Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) to be used in the commodity network. This middleware allows an application to use a CUDA-compatible graphics processing unit (GPU) installed in a remote computer as if it were installed in the computer where the application is being executed. This approach is based on the observation that GPUs in a cluster are not usually fully utilized, and it is intended to reduce the number of GPUs in the cluster, thus lowering the costs related with acquisition and maintenance while keeping performance close to that of the fully equipped configuration.

rCUDA is designed following the client-server distributed architecture. Clients employ a library of wrappers to the high-level CUDA Runtime API, while GPU network service is listening for requests on a TCP port. When an application demands a GPU service, its request is derived to the client side of the architecture. The client forwards the request to one of the servers, which accesses the GPU installed in that computer and executes the request in it. Time-multiplexing (sharing) the GPU is accomplished by spawning a different server process for each remote execution over a new GPU context.

rCUDA includes highly optimized TCP and low-level InfiniBand communications. It can be useful in three different environments:

  • Clusters. To reduce the number of GPUs installed in High Performance Clusters. This leads to increase GPUs use and to energy savings, as well as other related savings like acquisition costs, maintenance, space, cooling, etc.
  • Academia. In commodity networks, to offer access to a few high performance GPUs concurrently to many students.
  • Virtual Machines. To enable the access to the CUDA facilities on the physical machine.

The current version of rCUDA is 4.0. This version implements most of the functions in the CUDA Runtime API version 4.2, excluding only those related with graphics interoperability. rCUDA 4.0 targets the Linux and Windows OSs (for 32- and 64-bit architectures) on both client and server sides. Currently, rCUDA-ready applications have to be programmed using the plain C API. In addition, host and device code need to be compiled separately. A conversion utility CU2rCU has been developed to assist code transformation.



The EMI (European Middleware Initiative) project brings a unified set of middleware applications, once provided by ARC, dCache, gLite and UNICORE. Those applications are currently being developed, built and tested in collaboration with the aim to improve interoperability and integration between grids and other computing infrastructures. EMI is developed as a part of european EGI project.

Currently, EMI has three releases:

  • EMI 1 (Kebnekaise)
  • EMI 2 (Matterhorn)
  • EMI 2 (Monte Bianco)

EMI introduces a number of changes and new functionality in response to existing user requirements. The main improvements are defined as follows:

  • Security - Replacement of GSI with SSL in the security components, most notably VOMS; REST-based interface for obtaining X.509 attribute certificates in VOMS Admin; initial integration of ARGUS with middleware services (e.g. CREAM)
  • Compute - Full support for the CLUSTER service in CREAM; initial support for GLUE 2 in all CEs; integration of ARGUS in CREAM; initial implementation of common MPI methods across the different compute services
  • Data - Adoption of pNFS4.1 and WebDAV standards (dCache); preview version of a messaging-based Storage Element-File Catalog synchronization service (SEMsg)
  • Information Systems - ARC CE, UNICORE WS, CREAM, dCache, DPM expose a richer set of information via the experimental adoption of the GLUE2 information model standard.

Home page:


The gLite middleware distribution is an integrated set of components designed to enable resource sharing and building a grid. The gLite middleware was produced by the EGEE project and it is currently being developed by the EMI project. Current release is gLite 3.2 which in the process of being retired. New features will be included in the products developed under the EMI project.

Home page:


UNICORE (UNiform Interface to COmputing REsources) is a Grid computing technology that provides seamless, secure, and intuitive access to distributed Grid resources such as supercomputers or cluster systems and information stored in databases. In various European-funded projects UNICORE has evolved to a full-grown and well-tested Grid middleware system over the years. The UNICORE technology is open source under BSD licence and available at SourceForge, where new releases are published on a regular basis.

The architecture of UNICORE consists of three layers, namely user, server, and target system tier. The user tier is represented by various clients. The primary clients are the UNICORE Rich Client, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on the Eclipse framework, and the UNICORE commandline client (UCC). The clients use SOAP Web services to communicate with the server tier. XML documents are used to transmit platform and site independent descriptions of computational and data related tasks, resource information, and workflow specifications between client and server. The servers are accessible only via the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

The security within UNICORE relies on the usage of permanent X.509 certificates issued by a trusted Certification Authority.

Home page:


The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware integrates computing resources (usually, computing clusters managed by a batch system or standalone workstations) and storage facilities, making them available via a secure common Grid layer. The ARC middleware uses Grid technologies to enable sharing and federation of computing and storage resources distributed across different administrative and application domains. ARC is used to create Grid infrastructures of various scope and complexity, from campus to national Grids. It is distributed under the Apache v2.0 license.

In a nutshell, ARC is:

  • A general purpose, Open Source, lightweight, portable middleware solution
  • A reliable production-quality and scalable implementation of fundamental Grid services
  • Facilitator of cross-organisational distributed computing infrastructure solutions
  • Strongly commited to open standards and interoperability

Home page:

Open Grid Scheduler integration

You can dowload from here that ARC middleware configuration which are using Open Grid Scheduler. Some parts of the server.xml file need to be modified, for example the share name (queue): test.q

ARC Linux repository:

Recommended ARC version: 1.1.1

You need to install these packages:

  • nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed
  • nordugrid-arc-aris
  • nordugrid-arc-debuginfo
  • nordugrid-arc-hed
  • nordugrid-arc-client
  • nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus
  • nordugrid-arc-arex
  • nordugrid-arc

ARC/A-REX daemon start command:

arched -c server.xml

Univa GriDEngine

Univa Grid Engine is a batch-queuing system and distributed resource management software platform, once known as Sun Grid Engine (SGE). Univa Grid Engine supports the new breed of enterprise and big data applications with features and functionality designed to improve the speed of dispatching and throughput.

Current version is 8.1.4. The major improvements in the new version include:

  • Improved Load collection tool for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors ensures jobs run on the least loaded cores.
  • Extended memory usage metrics for Multi-Threaded applications.
  • Scheduler performance enhancements ensuring maximum number of jobs running in the cluster while improving system responsiveness.
  • Interactive Univa Grid Engine jobs can now set their memory affinity.

Programming environments

CUDA Parallel Nsight tool

NVIDIA Nsight is the development platform for heterogeneous computing that allows efficient development, debugging and profiling of the GPU code. Nsight helps users gain a better understanding of their code - identify and analyze bottlenecks and observe the behavior of all system activities. NVIDIA Nsight is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS users.

Nsight Development Platform, Visual Studio Edition (formerly NVIDIA Parallel Nsight) brings GPU Computing into Microsoft Visual Studio. It enables users to build, debug, profile and trace heterogeneous compute and graphics applications using CUDA C/C++, OpenCL, DirectCompute, Direct3D, and OpenGL. Current version is 2.2. Nsight Visual Studio Edition 2.2 has been updated with numerous bug fixes over the previous Nsight 2.2 release, build 12160. It is recommended that all grahics developers update to this latest version as the majority of improvements and bug fixes are graphics related.

NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition is a full-featured IDE powered by the Eclipse platform that provides an all-in-one integrated environment to edit, build, debug and profile CUDA-C applications. Nsight Eclipse Edition supports a rich set of commercial and free plugins. It comprises of Nsight Source Code Editor, Nsight Debugger and Nsight Profiler. The latest version of NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition with support for CUDA C/C++ and support for the Kepler Architecture is available with the CUDA 5.0 and is supported on MAC and Linux platforms. It is part of the CUDA Toolkit.


NVIDIA Parallel Nsight 3.0

New version of Parallel Nsight tool, Visual Studio editio has been released. It has enhanced support for graphics debugging and profiling, compute debugging and profiling.

  • Improved support for OpenGL 4.2
  • Improved GPU shader debugging and frame capturing
  • Support for CUDA 5.0 and Kepler GK110 architecture (dynamic parallelism, concurrent kernel launches, etc.)
  • CUDA Dynamic Parallelism analysis (building, debugging, running)
  • Improved memory checker
  • Profiler support for CPU/GPU workload analysis, active warp traces
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