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  • Web site:
  • Described version: xx.xx
  • Licensing: GNU General Public License v2+
  • User documentation: link
  • Download: link
  • Source code: link


  • Also origin, if the software comes from a specific project.


The OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) is a free open source C++ collection of solvers, utilities and libraries for continuum mechanics problems suitable for use in solving of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and similar problems. OpenFOAM is designed to solve complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, heat transfer, turbulence, solid dynamics and electromagnetic behaviour. The OpenFOAM simulates numerous processes in subsonic and supersonic aero-dynamics, in laminar and turbulent aero- and hydro-dynamics, as well as in external and internal combustion engines. The core technology is a flexible set of C++ modules and libraries used to build solvers to simulate specific physical problems, utilities for pre- and post-processing for data manipulation and visualization and for mesh processing. OpenFOAM solves appropriate systems of partial differential equations ascribed on any 3D unstructured mesh of polyhedral cells by finite volume numeric. As and input it accepts meshes generated by major mesh generators and CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems. Visualization of results can be performed by paraFOAM module to convert data for the open source visualization application ParaView.


  • Listed features

Architectural/Functional Overview

  • high level design info, how it works, performance - may be a link, or several links

Usage Overview

  • If possible with small example - may be a link


  • list of all relevant dependencies on other libraries

HP-SEE Applications

  • Applications using it

Resource Centers

  • RCs supporting it (with version number if not the same as above)

Usage by Other Projects and Communities

  • If any

Recommendations for Configuration and Usage