Scalability testing and optimization
From HP-SEE Wiki
Section contributed by IICT-BAS
The access to clusters HPSG, Debrecen, Szegen and to SuperComputer BlueGene/P make possible to provide speed-up tests up to 1024 processes. The speed-up on Debrecen is idle up-to 768 processes, for problems of 4.5 million cells. This mean that each process has to calculate 5860 cells, which is very small number of calculations per process. The results for speed-up on other HP clusters are similar.
The speed-up test on SuperComputer BlueGene/P is ideal up to 384 processes and the computational time per process is significantly larger than on HPC clusters. One process on HPCG cluster (without HyperThreding) is approximately 8.5 times faster then one process on SuperComputer BlueGene/P.