Using modules
From HP-SEE Wiki
Section contributed by IICT-BAS
Setting up better software environment can be done with modules, which are user interface to the Module packages, because they perform dynamic modification of user’s environment via modulefiles. The module alias or function executes the modulecmd program and has the shell evaluate the command's output. The first argument to modulecmd specifies the type of shell. Modulefiles are written in the Tcl and are interpreted by the modulecmd program via the module user interface. Each modulefile contains the information needed to configure the shell for an application. A typical modulefile is a simple bit of code that set or add entries to the PATH, MANPATH, or other environment variables, etc. modulefiles may be shared by many users on a system and users may have their own collection to supplement or replace the shared modulefiles. Modulefiles can be loaded, unloaded, or switched on-the-fly while the user is working; and can be used to implement site policies regarding the access and use of applications. The modulefiles are added to and removed from the current environment by the user. The environment changes contained in a modulefile can be summarized through the module command as well. If no arguments are given, a summary of the module usage and sub-commands are shown. The action for the module command to take is described by the sub-command and its associated arguments.
The Environment Modules package is not installed yet on HPCG cluster.
On BlueGene/P there are two applications, that have modules - "CP2K" and "Code Saturne".
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